Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Save the Whales

Sea Shepherd is a highly visible and well branded nature conservation group that focuses on protecting sea life around the world.

Sea Shepherd Logo/Flag:

They have often been criticized for the extreme and sometimes militant tactics they use against Japanese whaling vessels. Leader of the Sea Shepherd fleet Paul Watson was a former Greenpeace member and left because he felt Greenpeace's tactics were too passive. There is even a show on Animal Planet documenting the antarctic battles between Sea Shepherd and their sworn enemies the Japanese whalers. This militant dramatic style also plays out in their advertising which aims to be shocking and move you to act on those emotions.
"Predatory fishing also threatens life outside the oceans."

This ad is photo manipulated in order to show the effects of fishing on wildlife in a violent, shocking way. This is a slightly more uplifting and inspirational ad yet it doesn't stray from Sea Shepherds militant routes: 
"Until they can defend themselves, we will do it for them."

This next ad raises an interesting point that really gets at the heart of Sea Shepherds specific mission:
To help protect our oceans.
And in the ad below they point out the simple fact that we treat some animals, especially cute, furry, hard to eat animals better than ugly, delicious, scaly animals. Perhaps because we don't live in the water we feel as though we are removed from the oceans and therefore we don't care about its inhabitants. Sea Shepherd's advertising mission is to make you think about your relationship with the ocean, and I believe their ads have done that successfully."Why do we treasure one species but slaughter another?"