Monday, April 29, 2013

Got Ethics?

The 5th Annual Spuler Ethics Symposium focused on ethics in advertising.
The panel included:
Michael Llewellyn-Williams, PhD & Founder and Principal of BrandMechanics®
Ivonne Montes de Oca, President & Founder of The Pinnacle Company
Tim Hendrick, Professor at SJSU and Marketing and Advertising Consultant
John Delacruz, Assistant Professor of Advertising at San Jose State University

One of the points that I took away from Montes de Oca is that Advertisers have the capability to uphold morals, that they are the gatekeepers between a companies message and the consuming public. This places a large burden on advertisers to not only make the company appear ethical, but encourage it to ACT ethically.

Llewellyn-Williams had an interesting counterpoint: that an ad can't be unethical, it is just a tool. Can a hammer be unethical? No, but the person holding the hammer can use it unethically. He ultimately places the burden of ethics on sellers saying that you can't blame ad agencies, they are the "public defenders" of  brands.

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