Monday, April 22, 2013

Interruption Ads

The advertising industry is one that techniques are constantly evolving due to the changing attitudes of the consumer. Interruptive ads are a direct response to consumers 'tuning out' classical adverts. Unfortunately this has had even more extreme affects: I hardly even watch commercials anymore. With so many other media outlets as soon as my television program cuts to commercial my eyes go straight to my cell phone. This behavior is so prevalent that sometimes when I actually watch a commercial I recognize the audio but realize I have never watched the commercial in its entirety or really analyzed the message. Rather than creating simply gregarious and shocking ads to get attention, it is better to play off emotions and nostalgia while being original/artistic, most importantly with the audio and cinematography. The Levi's 'Go Forth' campaign was an example of unique audio and cinematography that immediately captured my attention and delivered their message as well as branding their aesthetic.

The web is perhaps the place where most interuptive ads are found, and unfortunately many sites allow advertisers many liberties with just how interuptive those ads can be, mostly because they are usually the sites only source of revenue. From pop-ups to ad-gating to ads that pause when you mute them the presence of online ads is becoming more and more interuptive. Just check out

The problem with interuptive ads is that they aren't interesting to the consumer. This is why I am a huge advocate for advertisers to be able to use cookies to track your interests. I would rather see ads that were catered to me than ones I have no interest in. Unfortunately (as the method stands now) there is no way for the consumer to manage these interests. I would like to see more consumer control of what type of ads they want to see. I think this benefits both parties, the advertisers want to sell their product to consumers who are most likely to buy, and consumers don't want to see ads regarding products that don't interest them.

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